The P70 Hand Saw |
Estimated Production Dates: 1883/4 through 1895 (?) Features: Extra Refined London Spring Steel, Highly Polished Blade, Carved and Fully Polished Apple Handle, Patent shaped hand-piece, four Brass Improved Screws, one Embossed, Nickel Plated Re-Inforce Plate, Taper Ground, Thin Back, Warranted. Without exception the Finest Saw Manufactured. The P-70 was offered in both a striaght-back (someimtes featuring a nib) and in a skew, or "hollow", back. The "Patent shaped hand-piece" refers to the relief carved in the handle where the thumb of a right-handed user would be placed in use. This feature was patented by Frank A. Buell in Jul. 17, 1883 and awarded patent number 281,447. I finally found a P-70! After more than 10 years of looking, I finally found one and it was by accident! I got this one in a large box lot of saws at an auction. This is a 20 inch panel saw. Interestingly, it does not have the Buell patent handle on it, perhaps because of the small scale handle on the panel saw. This example has the two-part Munger patent saw screws as clearly shown below. The etch is light, but the P-70, "London Spring Steel" is clear. Some pictures: Here are some picutures of a beautiful P-70 found by Robbie Field. Thanks for the photos, Robbie! Note the patent date on the handle, and the secondary etch noting the hardware store it was made for. |