
ASCII Version

How many patent
dates are cast
 into bed?
  | 0                           Yes                                 Yes
  |---> Is raised ring cast into -> Is bed painted blue? -------------> Type 20
  |    bed as receiver for knob?       |
  |              |                     | No
  |              | No                  |                            No
  |              |                  Do toe and heel have a raised,----> Type 15
  |       Is plane number             broad, flat rib casting?
  |        (i.e., No. 4)               |
  |       cast into bed?               | Yes
  |        |          |                |                            Yes 
  |        | Yes      | No          Is "STANLEY" printed vertically --> Type 19
  |        |          |              on lateral adjustment lever?
  |        |          |                |    
  |        |          |                | No 
  |        |          |                |                            Yes 
  |        |          |             Does depth adjustment nut have ---> Type 18
  |        |          |              a diagonal knurling on it?
  |        |          |                |         
  |        |        Is lever           | No    
  |        |        cap back           |        
  |        |        recessed?        Does plane have wartime    Yes --> Type 17
  |        |        |      |        features (handle and knob   No ---> Type 16
  |        |        |      |         stained red or painted  
  |    How many     | Yes  | No      black, depth adj. nut 
  |   patent dates  |      |       made of steel or hard rubber,
  |    appear on    |      |          heavier bottom castings)   
  |     lateral     |      |                                  
  |    adjustment   |      ------>  Is depth adj. nut stamped  No ----> Type 1
  |      lever?     |               "BAILEY'S PATENT"...?      Yes ---> Type 2
  |        |        |                                                           
  |        |        ------------->  Is frog receiver a broad   No ----> Type 3
  |        |                         rectangular area with     Yes ---> Type 4
  |        |                        arched rear (toward tote)?
  |        |  0                                
  |        |--------------------->  Does "STANLEY" appear on   No ----> Type 4-5
  |        |                        lateral adj. lever?        Yes ---> Type 8-9
  |        |  1                            
  |        |----------------------------------------------------------> Type 8
  |        |                              
  |        |  2                           
  |        |----------------------------------------------------------> Type 5
  |        |                            
  |        |  3                         
  |        ---------------------->  Is depth adj. nut stamped  Yes ---> Type 6
  |                                    "BAILEY'S PATENT"...    No ----> Type 7
  | 1                                     
  |------------------------------>  Is raised ring cast into   No ----> Type 13
  |                                 bed as receiver for knob?  Yes ---> Type 14
  | 2                                     
  |------------------------------>  Is frog rib enlarged and   No ----> Type 9
  |                                       arched type?         Yes ---> Type 10
  | 3                                                          
  ------------------------------->  Is depth adj. nut large    No ----> Type 11
                                       (1.25" diameter)?       Yes ---> Type 12