Plane Feature Timeline
                                                                Plane Type
                    Plane Feature
------------------------------------------------------     12345678901234567890
tote and knob - Rosewood                                   1234567890123456x 9
              - hardwood - stained red or painted black                    7 
                         - painted black                                    89
                         - light color stain                                  0
knob - low style                                           12345678901
     - high style                                                     234567890
     - bead at base                                        12345
     - raised ring cast in bed at toe                                   4567890
depth adjustment nut - composition - brass                 1234567890123456 890
                                   - steel or hard rubber                  7
                     - stamped - "BAILEY, WOODS & CO."...  1
                               - "BAILEY'S PATENT"...       23456
                     - thread - right handed               12345
                              - left handed                     678901234567890
                     - size - small (1" dia.")             12345678901     7
                            - large (1.25" dia.")                     23456x890
                     - knurling - parallel                 12345678901234567 90
                                - diagonal                                  8

iron - stamped - "L. BAILEY'S" "PATENT" "DEC 24, 1867"     12
               - "STANLEY RULE" (in arc) "& LEVEL CO."       34
               - "STANLEY" (large letters) (rest below)        5
               - "STANLEY" "PAT. AP'L 19, 92"                   6789 
               - "STANLEY" "RULE & LEVEL CO."...                    0
               - "STANLEY" "NEW BRITAIN" "CONN" "USA" in V           1
               - "STANLEY" in notched rect.,"S.W." heart              2345
               - "STANLEY" in not. rect.,"MADE IN U.S.A."                 67890
     - circular hole - toward top                          12345
                     - toward cutting edge                      678901234567890
     - top shape - angular                                 12345678901234567890
                 - rounded                                                   90

cap iron - stamped - "L. BAILEY'S" "PATENT"...             1234567

lat. adj. lever - stamped - "2-8-67" "10-21-84" "STANLEY"      5
                          - above, plus "7-24-88"               67 
                          - "7-24-88" "STANLEY"                   8
                          - "STANLEY"                              9012345678
                          - "STANLEY" written vertically                     9
                - construction - one-piece                     5
                               - two-piece                      67890123456789
                               - one-piece, bent                              0
lever cap - logo - none                                    123456789012
                 - "STANLEY" in notched rectangle                      34567890
          - hole - keyhole-shaped                          123456789012345 x
                 - kidney-shaped                                          67890
          - spring - banjo shaped                          1
                   - rectangular                            2345678901234567890
          - back - unrecessed                              12
                 - recessed                                  345678901234567890
          - style - rounded edge style                     12345678901
                  - less-rounded edge style                           234567890
          - lever cam - 1 3/32" long                       12345678901
                      - 1 3/16" long                                  234567890
          - surface - nickle plating                       1234567890123456
                    - coarse machined surface                              7890
frog - back - rounded                                      12 456789012345
            - ogee-shaped (s-shape) back beside lat. adj.                 67890
     - screws - rounded head                               123
              - flat head                                     45678901234567890
     - top - rounded                                       1234
           - flattened arch-shape                              5678901234567890
     - adjustment screw                                             0123456x890
frog receiver - shaped like letter "I"                     12 456789012345678
              - vertical rib                                 3
              - broad rectangular area                        45678901234567890
              - two shallow grooves parallel to sides           678
              - smaller bearing surface and rib to mouth           901234567890
              - enlarged and arched rib                             01234567890
              - "Y" shaped                                                   90 
plane size - under frog and lever cap                      12
           - cast in toe - in front of knob                    5678      567890
                         - behind knob                             901234 
           - spaced apart ("No" and plane # spaced 1")           78901234567890

bed - Bailey marking - cast in toe - in front of knob              901234
                                   - behind knob                         567890
    - foundry numbers - "73","71" cast in bed                 456789012345
                      - "S" in frog, lever cap and/or bed        7
                      - "B" in frog, lever cap and/or bed         8
    - patent dates - "MAR-25-02" "AUG-19-02" behind frog           90
                   - above, plus "APR-19-10"                         12
                   - "U.S. PAT. APR-19-10" behind frog                 34
    - "MADE IN U.S.A" - cast into bed at toe                            4
                      - cast behind frog                                 567890
    - broad flat rib around toe and heel                                  67890
    - heavier bottom casting                                               7
    - painted blue                                                            0
Copyright (c) Joshua Clark 1997-2009